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The new calendar year comes in the middle of the school year and it has always a struggle between starting new and continuing what works.  I haven't done too much with this blog this year.  It has mostly been a housing of links and a small window into what happens in our classroom.  During the break I have had some time to revisit a few things, look around and tidy some things and think about how I want to continue using this site.  I hope to post more frequently in 2016 and that you become a more frequent visitor.  The primary audience for this site has been my students and families and that will continue; this is a jumping off place for the students in my class to explore new learning using the internet.   The focus of this site will continue to be to share our learning with you.

As I look through the site, I reread the Learning Intentions page create in 2013 and those words still ring true.

Learning Intentions

I have struggled to find a way to communicate my learning intentions for your children this year without making them too specific and having to uploaded too often. Many of you may have heard about the Maple Ridge School Districts new report cards because they have been in the news lately. Maple Ridge has decided that they will not give intermediate students letter grades on their written report cards. This decision has caused much discussion around the province.

I have looked at the primary report card and like many things about it, most of all I like that their goals for inquiry learning. As I read these goals I find that they describe my goals for your children in our classroom. They are broad and general but they are ultimately what I hope for your children as they move through this year of learning.  In our class we talk about learning to learn and these goals describe what that process looks like.  I would love your comments and feedback on how you feel about these goals as a way to communicate your child’s progress.

These are our learning intentions for your child this year will be for them to;

Plan ahead and implement ideas
Describe and reflect on experiences
Make connection to extend knowledge
Use a variety of information and resources to solve problems, investigate ideas and answer questions
Use materials in imaginative and creative ways

These goals fit perfectly with our new curriculum being implemented in British Columbia and continue to clearly communicate my goals for your child.   I hope that you see these traits begin to develop in your child as they move through the Primary Years in school.  If you ever have questions or concerns about things that are happening in our school please contact me.  2016 is going to be an amazing year!


After 5 days in vinegar
After 5 days in vinegar
Can you see the yolk?

We see

We feel

We smell

Some of the skin is coming off.
The top of the egg is white.
It felt wet. It smelled like vinegar.
There is a little bit of brown and a lot of white It felt slimy. It smelled like a chicken.
The egg seems to be getting bigger. It feels like vinegar. It smelled like pickles.
There is some white on the egg. It felt like a bouncy ball.
Some skin if hanging off of the egg. It felt oily.
There is some brown pieces floating in the vinegar. It felt like a trampoline.
It is turning white. It felt like a brain.
It is a brown egg and it has white spots on it. It felt gooey.
There are bubbles on the top of the vinegar It felt soft.

We are creating a wiki to share information about our egg experiment.
We will post pictures of our egg, observations of the egg and we will compare one egg to another. We will also record information about the experiments on a voice thread.
CLICK HERE for wiki

Day 3 of egg in vinegar
Day 3 of egg in vinegar
Our egg is changing
Our egg is changing

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