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Well it looks like most of the eggs we have been watching have hatched!  We were watching the eagles yesterday and we discovered that there were little, fuzzy eaglets! The eaglets have down covering their  body.  Then we checked out the hummingbirds and they have also hatched.  The webcam is so close it is hard to understand how small those little hummingbirds are, but they are tiny and we discovered that they don't have any down covering them, they are naked.  The heron's eggs are still in their nest and we watched the heron fix up the nest.  We wondered when they will hatch?  You can check out the webcams below this post.

Do you know of any other interesting animalcam?

Also we popped our vinegar egg.  We discovered that the egg has absorbed water so when we turned the water red the egg became red.  We were able to bounce the egg but we know that a regular egg would crack if we tired to bounce it.  It has been fun learning about our egg and learning about other eggs all over the world.  The membrane was very red but the yolk was yellow and the white was  pink.  We also discovered there was pink water inside the egg.

Mason did a great job of labeling this photo of the egg.

We popped our egg!


After 5 days in vinegar
After 5 days in vinegar
Can you see the yolk?

We see

We feel

We smell

Some of the skin is coming off.
The top of the egg is white.
It felt wet. It smelled like vinegar.
There is a little bit of brown and a lot of white It felt slimy. It smelled like a chicken.
The egg seems to be getting bigger. It feels like vinegar. It smelled like pickles.
There is some white on the egg. It felt like a bouncy ball.
Some skin if hanging off of the egg. It felt oily.
There is some brown pieces floating in the vinegar. It felt like a trampoline.
It is turning white. It felt like a brain.
It is a brown egg and it has white spots on it. It felt gooey.
There are bubbles on the top of the vinegar It felt soft.

We are creating a wiki to share information about our egg experiment.
We will post pictures of our egg, observations of the egg and we will compare one egg to another. We will also record information about the experiments on a voice thread.
CLICK HERE for wiki

Day 3 of egg in vinegar
Day 3 of egg in vinegar
Our egg is changing
Our egg is changing

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